If you wish to book a flight please call us at 775.772.8232.
Choose Package and Options, then call 775.772.8232 to book a Hang Gliding Tahoe Experience.

Tahoe vacation planning? Call to request dates and times for reservation.


Hang Gliding Tahoe Gift Certificate

Tahoe View

1 hour experience,
30 minute flight.


Hang Gliding Tahoe Gift Certificate

To Tahoe

1.5 hour experience,
60 minute flight.


Hang Gliding Tahoe Gift Certificate

Around Lake Tahoe

2 hour experience,
90 minute flight.


Hang Gliding Tahoe Gift Certificate Cross Country

Cross Country

2.5 hour experience,
120 minute flight.



Experience time is the approximate time for getting to the event, signing in, putting on a flight suite, getting the safety briefing, the flight, looking at the photos/video and getting the flight training certificate. Time when to arrive to the time you leave.

Flight time is the approximate time when the aircraft it started to when the engine is shut down commonly known as Hobbs time. This includes about 5 to 10 minutes of taxi, safety checks, takeoff, air time, landing, and taxi back.


Wing-mounted camera captures high resolution digital photos (JPG) 12 MP 4000×3000 pixels which are provided to you on a USB drive so you take them with you. These can be copied and saved to your computer, emailed, printed, or posted to Facebook and other social sites. $80 each aircraft/person.
High Definition Video of Your Flight…With Sound!

Experience the complete flight again and again. Share your experience with family and friends. New video technology plus Paul’s award winning filming techniques allow you to have video plus professional audio so you can see and hear exactly what you experienced in flight. Original hi-def video on SD Card.

$150 each aircraft/person.

Group of four people or more – We love groups!


  • The longer the experience the more you get to experience the thrill of flying and the beauty of Lake Tahoe.
  • We fly in the mornings because the conditions are better to fly. Generally the earlier in the morning, the better the weather conditions.
  • During Spring, Summer, and Fall we start as early as sunrise and as late as 10:00 AM. In Winter we start at 8:00 AM.
  • Weather Forecasts? No worries! Typically rain or thunderstorms happen in the late morning and afternoon. We are finished flying for the day before they occur. With an 80% thunderstorm forecast the flying in the morning is spectacular so do not let the weather forecast stop you from booking.
  • It is best to book a reservation early in your stay so your experience can be rescheduled to following days if the weather is bad for your scheduled day.
  • A valid Mastercard or VISA credit card is required to secure a reservation and is not charged until we fly or cancelled.
  • Please read and understand our cancellation policy.
  • To make a reservation call us at 775.772.8232 or use our reservation form.
Minimum Booking
One person for Tahoe View ($250 each person, 60 minute experience).



When you book a reservation you are reserving a time slot specifically for you. Hang Gliding Tahoe arranges all other bookings around your reserved time slot. If you will be unable to honor your reservation, you must call and talk with us to let us know at least 48 hours in advance so we can book someone else for this valuable time slot. PHONE CANCELLATION ONLY. NO EMAILS ACCEPTED.

If you call and talk to us before your flight within 48 hours to cancel your scheduled flight, we must bill you for 50% of your flight’s cost. If you do not call to cancel within 48 hours of your scheduled flight and we are mobilized/scheduled waiting for you, and you do not show up, we must bill you for the full amount. Your scheduled time slot is valuable and can be used by other customers so please call to cancel as soon as possible to avoid charges. We appreciate your understanding.

All prices in USD.